
Women as a force for civilization

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Re “ ‘Girlie states’ vs. knuckle draggers,” Opinion, May 19

As a woman, I am encouraged to see the importance of women finally being recognized. However, it is unfortunate that we are limiting our success to developed areas. There will not be a sufficient change in society until less-developed countries allow women to reach their full potential. We cannot wait until men, who consider themselves so superior, realize how much they need women in every aspect of life to see change.


Los Angeles



I agree with Rosa Brooks’ ideas on the trends of female dominance. But I have to disagree on her obtrusive stereotype of men -- regarding them as beasts.

I believe that men just choose different paths in life to succeed that contrast with the higher-education path of women. Instead of being doctors or lawyers, men might choose other professions such as being police officers, firefighters, businessmen or even serving in the Army, all of which are crucial to this great country.

That more women attend college and earn better degrees does not make them any more intelligent than men, nor does it make men inferior, or “chimpanzees” left on the sidelines of life.



Los Angeles


Not all women are nice. If they make it to high positions in the political system, they have to be fierce. Women can be just as aggressive as men, so I don’t think that we’ll just be “girlie states.” I’m sure, however, that we’ll be smarter and know how to deal with all the men on the sidelines.





Why can’t developing countries just accept the fact that they need women? Do these male-dominated countries have no sense?

Obviously they need to start changing their beliefs on women unless they wish to remain underdeveloped countries. The world works better when there is a balance of males and females -- yin and yang, not just males.


Los Angeles
