
The smoking gun in school shootings

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Re “11 Amish Girls Shot in School,” Oct. 3

Once again the world is treated to the horror of another school shooting in the United States. When will Americans wake up to the fact that gun ownership and gun control are among your more serious problems? What will it take for you to fix your own problems?

I cannot describe the disgust I have for a country that puts itself up as an example to the rest of the world but does not do something about gun ownership and gun control. Very obviously all the hackneyed arguments over the right to own weapons will now be rehashed. How many more kids will be executed in your schools while that goes on?

Look at the countries where gun ownership is tightly controlled and compare the statistics -- then take some action to rid your country of this obsession. Lobby your politicians until some sanity prevails.



Darwin, Australia


The latest round of school-shooting tragedies is a chilling reminder of the insane gun policies we allow in this country. The National Rifle Assn.’s twisted interpretation of the 2nd Amendment puts all of us, including our children, at risk every day. When will congressional leaders show the backbone to stand up to this lobby?


