
She does know how to slow down

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AFTER playing Kiefer Sutherland’s ill-fated wife on “24” and appearing with his father, Donald Sutherland, last season on “Commander in Chief,” Leslie Hope has run out of Sutherlands. Now she’s just on the run, joining Donnie Wahlberg as a family on the lam in “Runaway,” at 9 p.m. Mondays on the CW.

Life at home in L.A. with her husband, Adam Kane, and her son isn’t nearly so hectic.

A fun crowd

On a Friday night, I’d get a sitter and take my husband to a place we just love in Silver Lake, Cafe Stella. It’s a French bistro-style place, usually crowded, but in the best sense, so that you feel familiar with everyone. It draws all kinds of people, all sorts of shapes and sizes, which is how I like it. It doesn’t feel snooty; there’s no velvet rope. They have the best steak frites in town and great wine by the glass.

After that we might stop nearby for a drink at Cafe Figaro, a great neighborhood bar that also serves a great breakfast.

It’s all good

On Saturday morning, we’d all get up early for my son’s soccer game in Glendale, but before that we’d stop off at Swork in Eagle Rock for coffee. I just get the Americano, hot water and espresso, but my husband usually gets one of those complicated, double-decaf soy grande latte things. After the game, we’ll stop at Pat & Lorraine’s in Eagle Rock, a really good breakfast spot. Then we’d stop off at home, grab the dog and go to Runyon Canyon for a nice long walk.


In the evening, we’d go to Carousel in Glendale, kind of a Lebanese-Armenian place with these long tables for 20 that has some of the most fantastic food you’ve had in your life. I had my birthday dinner there this year. You have to dress up a bit, though, to be appropriate. I didn’t the first time I went and it was kind of embarrassing. Once we get seated, I usually just let them recommend something for dinner, but I like the steak tartare, the kebabs, the minced meat, hummus and tahini -- it’s all good. And then the band starts playing, the belly dancers come out and you’re there for the evening.

Bases are loaded

On Sunday, we might go out to a movie at the ArcLight, where they have a huge selection of movies and the seats are really comfortable. They even have that cafe there, and we might get a hamburger. Then we’d come home and relax and get ready for the week, maybe later going out to Fish King in Glendale. It’s a fish market and a tiny restaurant where they naturally have the greatest fresh fish.

But there’s another good place for Sunday night, Puran’s on Hillhurst, run by an Iranian woman who has really good, healthy food, but not boring. There’s also a taco stand just one spot down, separated by a liquor store, so you have all the bases covered if you want to go that way.
