
Thirty-year mortgage rates highest in 5 weeks

From the Associated Press

Rates on 30-year mortgages rose this week to the highest level in five weeks.

Mortgage company Freddie Mac reported that 30-year fixed-rate mortgages increased to 6.4% last week. That was up from 6.36% last week and was the highest since they also hit 6.4% the week of Sept. 21.

Rates on 15-year fixed mortgages averaged 6.1% this week, up from 6.06% last week.

Rates on one-year adjustable mortgages edged up to 5.6%, compared with 5.57% last week.

Rates on five-year adjustable mortgages rose to 6.14% from last week’s 6.11%.

The mortgage rates do not include add-on fees known as points. The 30-year and 15-year mortgages each carried an average nationwide fee of 0.4 point. The one-year ARM had a nationwide average fee of 0.7 point and the five-year ARM had an average fee of 0.6 point.
