
Prospect of Pelosi as House speaker

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Re “Madam Speaker? Pelosi Likes the Sound,” Oct. 21

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) might become the new speaker of the House, but politics in America will not change. We have a divided country led by a selfish group of politicians.

“Pelosi ordered her ranks to assail the Bush privatization plan while offering nothing of their own.” This is the M.O. of our politicians. Their goal is not to find ways to benefit Americans but to guarantee themselves and their “friends” all the benefits and privileges we cannot access.

Pelosi, no doubt, will continue her self-serving mission. She is no better than the rest.


Santa Ana



“The gavel of the speaker of the House is in the hands of special interests, and now it will be in the hands of America’s children.” I am a tough bird, but when I read those words at the end of your excellent profile of Pelosi, tears welled up in my eyes.

I have been watching the blows inflicted on the Constitution with grief. Pelosi’s statement, reflecting a passion both political and ethical, went right to the heart of my hopes for the future of this country that I love.


Los Angeles



I cannot recall having read anything quite so ridiculous as your description of Pelosi: “She is, as ever, exquisitely dressed, in a stylish pale green suit.” This is potentially the first female speaker of the House, not some contestant on “America’s Next Top Model.”

Can you imagine anyone describing Henry Clay, Sam Rayburn or Tip O’Neill as if they were walking the red carpet at the Emmys?


Santa Monica
