
Fleeting for a reason


RE Mary McNamara’s “The 15-Second Syndrome: When Fame Meets ADD, Nothing Stays on Top for Long” [Dec. 16]: I think she is skipping past one key thing.

If the idea for “Borat” was done with the intelligence and class of Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd’s “Wild and Crazy Guys” on “Saturday Night Live,” it would’ve stayed around and been talked about. The same way, if “Wild and Crazy Guys” was done with the mean-spirited, partly observed and overly graphic style of “Borat,” it would’ve been forgotten in two weeks.

Every era has competition; every era has things that are forgotten. But if something’s actually good, actually engages us, it will get talked about and stay around.


So you have to consider what we’re “too busy” to pay attention to today. It’s not as if we just blew through a summer of “Field of Dreams,” “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” and “Batman.”

We just blew through a summer of “Ratatouille,” “Transformers” and “Knocked Up.” There is a difference.

Garth Meyer

Los Angeles
