
Conspicuous contamination


Re “When Superfund expenses go ‘mega,’ ” Jan. 26

Why is the federal government paying millions to clean up messes that private companies such as General Electric made? Why are they allowed to profit at our expense? The only reason they are so excessively profitable is that they don’t factor protection of the environment into their costs or plans, leaving the public holding the bag. In fact, it appears that the bigger the mess, the less likely they are to take responsibility (or be held responsible) for it.

This is one more example of corporate corruption, when greed completely obliterates any vestige of concern for people, the environment or the common good. These companies should be forced to foot the bill, and laws against polluting should be made stronger and enforced more vigorously to stop this kind of irresponsible behavior.





It’s simple enough to point out that Superfund sites could be cleaned up with what it costs to fight the war in Iraq for one year. It is also worth noting what this gross contamination throughout our country, particularly California, represents -- a highly industrialized civilization bringing us untold material abundance and wealth. Is this what we are defending? The American way of life based on an unchecked free-enterprise system?

It seems fundamental that we examine the cost of freedom and ask just how democratic it is if the purported value of materials and services it provides costs us this much in compromised air, soil, water, health and taxes. How about a little moderation? We can still enjoy the fruits of our labors by acting sensibly, with less greed or brute force.


