
Giuliani is at war with history


Re “Giuliani praises Bush’s Iraq policy, foresight,” Feb. 11

The true test of any politician is the ability to use only the facts that support his position while forgetting those that undermine his stance. Rudolph W. Giuliani is apparently such a politician. He forgets that President Lyndon Johnson persisted in Vietnam, another supposed great moral issue of our time, wasting billions. He forgets that Ronald Reagan didn’t defeat communism, but he did sell weapons to terrorists, according to the official Iran-Contra report. By comparing Abraham Lincoln, who sought to preserve the greatest nation in history, with Bush, who is trying to preserve his “Mission Accomplished” moment, he not only diminishes greatness, he fails in trying to elevate the author of one of the biggest blunders in U.S. history.


Los Angeles



Giuliani’s comparison of Bush’s war in Iraq with Lincoln and the Civil War is preposterous and a perfect example of why Giuliani should never be president. The Iraq war was started by Bush under false pretenses. Lincoln’s war was fought over social and economic injustice. He didn’t start anything, and did everything he could to keep it from happening. Let’s face it, the only thing in common here is that too many innocent people are dead, and the last thing we need is another simpleton in the White House.




Nouri Maliki is the leader of Iraq. That is where the civil war rages. In comparing Bush to Lincoln, Giuliani apparently thinks that Bush is the prime minister of Iraq.


