
Going Nuts Over Squirrels


Finally, somebody has the nerve to speak of the interminable menace that is the squirrel (“Damn Cute Menace,” by David Page, June 3). Every time I grumble about finding a way to permanently eliminate our cute, furry friends you would think I had proposed taking a bazooka to Rocky the Flying Squirrel.

Rick Leddy

South Pasadena


Six years ago my mother received an avocado tree as a gift. We planted, fed and nurtured it. After four years it finally produced baby avocados. Months later the fruit swelled into a mature size. And then the squirrels came.

From a crop of about 200 avocados, the squirrels spared us about a dozen. My father cut down the tree and my mother transformed herself into the Squirrel Lady of Reseda. Now we purchase gigantic bags of peanuts for the squirrels. The lesson we learned: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!


Parker R. Gaims

