
The burden of illegal workers


Re “The better peach,” Opinion, March 3

I have a suggestion for David Mas Masumoto and all the other farmers who feel the way he does: Build a house for your workers. Provide them with food, clothing, education, healthcare and additional space for their children when they start having them. This way, they are not a burden on the rest of society, and the general public does not have to foot the bill for your workers so you can grow tastier peaches.





How many illegal immigrants does it take to pick a peach? With estimates ranging from 11 million to 20 million already here, isn’t that enough? Since all of these are “good, hardworking people” -- not a possible criminal or terrorist among them -- aren’t they scrambling over the peach orchard fences in search of jobs? I’m inclined to agree with Masumoto’s wish to avoid mechanized harvesting equipment. But I’m more interested in the harm open borders are causing our country and saddened that so many people don’t recognize this and the possible violence that may eventually occur.

The closing of our southern border should be treated as the emergency situation that it is. At the same time, immigration laws could be amended to allow additional farm laborers as needed and decisions made concerning those already here. But where the heck are they?


Mission Viejo


Masumoto says it all. Without agricultural workers, his crops will either rot in the fields or he will be forced to mechanize and produce a lower-quality peach. Immigration is the lifeblood of our economy not only in the agricultural sector but in the service sector and construction as well. Therefore, we need Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.


Beverly Hills

The writer is an attorney with the American Immigration Lawyers Assn.



Re “Immigrants advised about their rights,” March 4

Excuse me, but isn’t there a law that prohibits aiding and abetting criminal behavior?


