
No fan of Glover’s support of Castro


MARY McNAMARA, the writer of your piece on Danny Glover, failed to mention one important aspect of Mr. Glover’s life [“He’s an Actor With Good-Guy Baggage,” March 11]. He has consistently and repeatedly supported the 48-year tyranny of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the Castro regime’s daily and profound violations of the human rights of the Cuban citizens, Glover has chosen to travel to Cuba, issue calls for a change in American policy toward Castro and accept the excuses used by the Cuban government concerning Castro’s dictatorial ways.

Not once have we heard him say anything critical about Castro and his regime, not once has he mentioned Cuba’s political prisoners, or Castro’s rigid control over all media on the island, or the constant harassment directed at those few brave souls who dare raise their voices while enduring the hell that daily life in Cuba has become. For that, I reject his art as irrelevant and inconsequential, for not taking the side of the oppressed in Cuba.



Los Angeles
