
Pentagon split with White House


Re “Gates may not be following Bush’s playbook on Iraq,” May 6

This article used anonymous sources to criticize Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. The harshest criticism came from a “former senior Defense official.” Could that be none other than the former secretary of Defense himself, Donald H. Rumsfeld? Is that him saying Gates “seems willing to throw the towel in” and is “undermining the strategy” by rushing to judge the effects of the surge “prematurely”?

You don’t print anonymous letters to the editor, so why do you still accept spin from anonymous sources and publish it as front-page news? That’s one of the ways we got into Iraq in the first place. Officials should not be allowed to criticize Gates under cover of anonymity. If they won’t speak on the record, then don’t give them a platform to spread their opinions.





What’s this, a free-thinker in the Bush administration in one of the most important positions? Are we seeing dissent about what has become the centerpiece of this embattled administration, the war in Iraq? The Times makes it apparent that there really is a difference of opinion between the White House and the Pentagon as to the precise course to take in Iraq. Apparently our president and his advisors did not do their homework when they selected Gates to follow Rumsfeld.


