
GM losses partly Congress’ fault


Good riddance, General Motors! America is now saying “no” to an industry producing the shortest-lived, lowest-mileage products in the industrialized world and to a Congress that allowed this to go on. (“Doubts cast on GM’s prospects,” Nov. 8.)

Big oil, big cars and big weapons lubricate the greed, corruption and denial in Washington. Where’s our government’s emergency energy plan addressing alternative fuels and global warming? They think that turning farm subsidies into votes and corn into fuel is the solution.

Roger Newell

San Diego


How do I go about trusting Big Business when General Motors held three years of losses off the books until this quarter? (“GM to take $39-billion charge against earnings,” Nov. 7.)


Whatever happened to transparency in this market? Oil is near $100 a barrel and China is rethinking the dollar as the currency of choice.

I am more panicked about this economy than I have ever been. This is what happens when government allows Big Business to control our nation’s economic fortune.

Jerome Stoll

Newport Beach
