
The albatross of war in Iraq


Re “Bush hints at troop reduction,” Sept. 4

Some change in strategy toward ending the endless politicizing surrounding the Iraq war and the loss of our countrymen seems as elusive as ever. The media are alluding to reports and comments from generals and other leaders, but there is never any action. The billions of dollars for financing this doomed venture continue to multiply.

How depressing this is to the average American family needing healthcare, a mortgage to buy a reasonable home and already struggling to put food on the table. At what point does America say enough; we have given enough to this fight to give democracy to a country that has fought itself for centuries. Iraq may very well doom our own altruistic goals and existence as we know it.

Ronald L. Wallace

Sherman Oaks


So if the “surge” is reported successful, President Bush will have a reason to leave troops in place, or even increase their numbers. If it is not reported as successful, Bush will have a reason to leave the troops in Iraq or even increase their numbers. However, if the surge is reported successful, Bush can justify pulling troops out. If the surge is not reported successful, Bush can justify pulling troops out. Now I understand.


Darcy Vernier

Marina del Rey


Re “Bush is foggy on the Iraq army,” Sept. 3

At last, there is a possibility for peace in the free world! Bush has begun to fall back on the “I can’t recall” phrase, the repeated overuse of which ultimately resulted in the resignation of Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales. Is it too much to hope that the president will now copy Gonzales and also resign, and take his vice president with him?

Norm Gottlieb

Los Angeles


Re “Succeeding by withdrawing,” Opinion, Aug. 31

Rosa Brooks’ options hit the nail on the head: Sticking with the White House’s current mulish approach to its failed war would be disastrous. At the risk of sounding glib, here’s a third option for Iraq: Just throw the money at them and bring our troops home. At least that way we won’t lose more of our kids to a war that’s headed nowhere.

And regarding the depopulation of Iraq because so many thousands are fleeing every month: The departure of Iraqi refugees won’t be the only method of depopulation. At the rate Iraqis are killing their own citizens in that country’s devolution into civil war, in which the United States has absolutely no need to participate, the problem won’t be around much longer anyway.

Rebecca S.


Palm Desert
