
Stop hounding Kucinich


Re “Do hard labor with Edwards, for a fee,” Sept. 16

This piece discussed several presidential candidates. One, Dennis Kucinich, was referred to as “the six-term Ohio congressman, who seems to be perennially campaigning for president.”

Why is it that the mainstream media continually hound Kucinich about being in his second campaign for the presidency but never say the same thing about former Sen. John Edwards or Sens. John McCain and Joseph Biden, who also are in their second runs?

Or why is it OK to criticize Kucinich because he’s in his second run, while at the same time urging former Vice President Al Gore to get into the race -- for the second time?


Among all the candidates, Kucinich is the leader when it comes to providing real healthcare, getting out of Iraq, rebuilding our infrastructure, making America respected in the world again and defending the Constitution.

There are a bunch of candidates offering us the same old same old. And then there’s Kucinich, offering real leadership and vision.

If it takes some people twice to figure out that he’s the one who represents what they want, that’s fine with me.

David Bright

Dixmont, Maine
