
From service to citizenship


Re “They’ve served the U.S. -- now they’re citizens,” April 15

It seems today that you must be either anti-American or anti-immigration. The article that explains how 22 U.S. immigrants who have chosen to fight for this country have gained citizenship shows that our divisions over who has a right into this country and who does not are misinformed, to say the least.

I am a naturally born U.S. citizen and have been granted rights that others, who truly value the freedoms the United States can provide, should enjoy.

Should they enter illegally? No. But should we categorize all people seeking a new life in this country as job-stealing, tax-evading, government-straining leeches?


I think the fact that people born outside of our borders are fighting our wars answers that question.

Scott Shaffstall

Trabuco Canyon
