
Rug returns


NEW rugs fashioned by famous designers or sold in limited editions often are touted as investments, like fine art. But just as in that fickle field, it’s hard to predict which rugs will appreciate in value.

Contemporary rugs are a small part of the 20th century furnishings market, Peter Loughrey of Los Angeles Modern Auctions said. Of almost 500 items he’ll put up for sale Sunday in West Hollywood, only two are rugs: a 10 1/2 -foot-long, orange-and-purple, Dali-esque wool piece made in 1973 by Edward Fields valued at $3,000 to $5,000; and a 1972 tiddlywinks-motif Herbert Bayer rug valued at $4,000 to $6,000.

Loughrey cited wide appeal for vintage Eileen Gray rugs, “if you can find one.” Prices start at $50,000 and go to $200,000. There’s also increased interest in Josef Hoffmann’s woven pieces, which are $4,000 to $60,000.


-- Janet Eastman
