
Covering the campaign

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Re “Obama assures Israel of support,” July 24

I have been a devotee of The Times’ front section for years. It is amazing the amount of information contained therein each day, amazingly well-researched and written too. However, this is the third day in a row you have had glowing front-page reports of Barack Obama’s trip to the Middle East that could have been written by his campaign.

This article begins: “Despite months of warnings by John McCain that Barack Obama’s stance toward Iran threatens Israel, political leaders in the Jewish state welcomed the Democrat’s assurances.” Did you really expect Israeli leaders to publicly reject Obama on his visit? Could they realistically do anything but welcome his pro-Israel statements? Yet you treat this as a surprise and as a repudiation of McCain. It’s silly.

I know these are tough times for newspapers in general, but I think this type of prejudiced “reportage” may be hurting your circulation.


Nick Klaus



Re “McCain turns his focus to fundraising, economy,” July 19

McCain has nothing to complain about because he continues to be treated with kid gloves by most media, including The Times. It was McCain who decided to focus on the economy and then trash-talk on foreign policy, ride around in a golf cart with another very old man, George H.W. Bush, get the borders of Iraq and Iran mixed up and cancel his supposedly big-announcement news conference on Thursday.

I really like The Times, but you folks have barely mentioned how totally dysfunctional and unfocused all this is. As the media wait for Obama to mess up, McCain is lucky the media continue to make light of his errors. Here’s some advice for his campaign: Stop whining about Obamamania -- it makes McCain seem so old and grumpy.

Thomas McGovern

San Bernardino
