
Must-Sees for the Munchkin Set


It’s a win-win-win situation: Bring your kids, get some exercise and see the world. Dutch company Bugaboo, best known for its tricked-out strollers (reversible seats, compact collapsible chassis, air-filled tires) now offers a series of free city “Daytrip” maps for families with kids under 5. Parents can find groovy activities and sights such as a museum where kids can make sculptures out of chocolate (Barcelona), a shop to buy Marimekko kids wear (Copenhagen) and a place for tykes to take a yoga class (Miami). Bugaboo collaborates with local artists on the maps, which cover 10 European cities, nine North American cities and Sydney, Australia. (Buenos Aires and Hong Kong are slated for later this year.) Each includes a page detailing the stroller-friendly route. Download them from Bugaboo’s website--then hit the streets, stroller wheels squealing.
