
The voice that induces tears to flow


THANK you for the article about Paul Potts [“Go for Bloke,” by Diane Haithman, March 25]. In a period where so much entertainment news is salacious stuff about no-talent types, your article was refreshing.

We heard about Potts nearly a year ago from a link in a Spanish newspaper sent to us by a friend. It contained the audition video you referenced. We had the same reaction as one of the judges: eyes filled with tears.

We bought his CD and really enjoy it. I can’t tell you why, but in comparing his version of “Nessun dorma” with the Pavarotti version, we actually liked the Potts version more.


Penelope Phares

Farmington Hills, Mich.

HOW dare you write such an article making fun of someone’s appearance -- calling Paul Potts a “tuxedoed Quasimodo” and deriding almost every part of his body. For God’s sake, you make me ashamed to be an American. And why would you publish such a picture of Paul? Is this your idea of welcoming someone who’s never been to L.A., let alone the USA?

Mikey Renn

San Jose
