
Fun, funny Frankie

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Frankie VALLI is a phenomenal singer and performer [“Their Hit Parade,” May 4]. He’s also hilarious. I was deeply honored when, as my career was just beginning, Frankie wanted to record two of my songs, co-written with Jerry Corbetta, “One of Those Days/One of Those Nights” and “If It Really Wasn’t Love.”

Summoned to Frankie’s home in the Hollywood Hills to go over the tunes, we were told Mr. Valli was detained. Through the window we could see him wading through his trash cans and muttering Hail Marys, desperate to find a package he’d wrapped in tin foil and stuffed in his freezer, only to have a new girlfriend toss it during her attempt to look domesticated.

Hours later, Frankie finally appeared, in Mickey Mouse pj’s, covered with trash, and apologizing profusely. Without missing a beat, he sat down at the piano with us to go over our songs, like nothing had happened.


And what was so important to warrant the Jersey Boy’s dumpster dive? His $10,000 cash emergency fund. Never found, I’m told. I think that was it for the girlfriend too. But he did record our songs. Oh, what a night.

Molly-Ann Leikin

Santa Barbara
