
Why we won’t buy ‘Body’


THE ARTICLE by John Horn about the expected poor showing of “Body of Lies” [“Box Office Dog Days,” Oct. 9] states that “rival distributors . . . are stunned that the heavily promoted and expensive spy thriller may not open in the top spot.” It’s laughable the way Hollywood and its supporters twist themselves into knots coming up with every possible reason except the real one as to why the public does not buy tickets to its movies whose subject matter includes contemporary American foreign policy.

It’s very simple, and it’s the same reason that “Stop-Loss” and other films about Iraq and/or the American military and/or American foreign policy have failed at the box office. The reason is that the American public does not trust Hollywood to be honest and fair on these subjects, and we refuse to be force-fed Hollywood’s propaganda even if it’s wrapped up in an attractive package of great stars, great action scenes, etc.

The moviemakers still don’t get it.

Anne Kaufman

