

Times Wire Reports

Bolivian officials were trying to determine who financed an apparent plot to assassinate President Evo Morales and what a group of alleged mercenaries -- including two who fought in the Balkan wars -- were doing in Bolivia.

Among three men killed and two arrested in a shootout in the opposition bastion of Santa Cruz, at least two had fought for Croatian independence, officials said.

Bolivian police closed in on the group Thursday, sparking a gun battle as the suspects fled to a downtown hotel and blew out its windows with a grenade.


Police commander Gen. Victor Hugo Escobar identified the apparent leader as Eduardo Rosza Flores, who had a Hungarian father and Bolivian mother. Rosza commanded a brigade in the Balkans in 1991, according to his personal blog.

Also killed was Magyarosi Arpak, a Romanian sniper, and Michel Martin Dwyer, an Irish expert in martial arts and weapons, the police commander said.
