
Hotel prices side by side at Travelaxe

Share compares hotels from different booking sites so you can find a cheaper room and feel good about the money you’re saving.

What’s hot: Travelaxe gives side-by-side hotel price comparisons in a grid format; the cheapest rate is highlighted, which not only helps you save money (and time) but also instills confidence that you’re getting a good deal by booking online. Travelaxe checks, Orbitz, TripRes, HotelsClub, Skoosh, Premier Travel Club and even the hotel’s website and brings the results to you. It searches more than 71,000 hotels around the world, but its real strength is in U.S. metro areas. You can search by the hotel’s name and filter for star rating or price. And you also can select the hotel from a Google map. When I tested the site, I sometimes found that prices were even less when I clicked through to the “Book It!” page than they were in the price comparison.

What’s not: A downloadable TravelAxe Pro version is available for Microsoft users. Because I am a Mac user and can use only the Web version, I’m left wondering what I’m missing.


-- Jen Leo
