


The paean to Huell Howser [“The Awe of Huell Howser,” July 26] seems heartfelt but is laughable when confronted with what he actually presents. I confess I’ve never been able to watch much of his shows, since I find his manner insufferably homespun and his subjects generally boring as dirt.

There’s a place for celebrating the wonders of the simple and the local, finding a kind of Zen epiphany in the everyday. I have no doubt there are many fascinating stories out there, and the right personality or style in an inquiring mind could present them effectively. But Howser doesn’t uncover jewels, he just pokes around in the garage sales of our world, flattening the people and places he finds there.

This isn’t real “awe,” it’s just “aw shucks” of the simple-minded sort. His enthusiasm and drawl may be genuine, but Howser takes the pedestrian and makes it seem downright banal. We need so much more in the way of good documentary and exploratory programming. I wish someone with more intelligence and skill would leap into this vacuum.


Tim Jahns



I think Robert Lloyd is one of the best L.A. Times writers, and I always read what he has to say. Thank you so much for the wonderful story on dear, sweet Huell. I have been watching his shows since Day One, and his happiness, innocence and open heart make the world a better place. If we could all talk to each other with such kindness and interest, so much could change for the better.

Rebecca Segal

Studio City
