
Ted Kennedy’s lasting legacy

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Re “A changed landscape,” Aug. 27, and “Seesaw Senate seats,” Editorial, Aug. 25

I hope Republicans, who are unwilling to support healthcare reform that will enable all Americans to have health insurance coverage, will take a page from Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s book.

It’s not just about what you have, it’s about making sure that all Americans have a decent life -- and that includes being able to go to a doctor or a hospital to save your life.

Nancy Oliveira

San Francisco


Years ago, influential Democratic fundraiser and UCLA Regent Sheldon Andelson, now deceased, was talking about “coming out of the closet” at a gala hotel celebration. Ted Kennedy was the keynote speaker.


“I love Shelly Andelson!” roared Kennedy. And then with perfect timing, he added: “Figuratively, that is!”

It brought down the house.

Tamara Lipson

Long Beach


We mourn the death of Kennedy. He was a proud liberal who never backed away from the label but embraced it wholeheartedly. But at the same time, he was able to work with those across the aisle to pass legislation, realizing that democracy is often the art of the possible.

Even though he came from a wealthy background, he was able to empathize with those less fortunate in our country.


Joan Mortenson

Huntington Beach

Kennedy leaves behind a far more substantial and positive record than either of his brothers, John or Robert. He seems to have risen above some of his personal failings and became a man of political principle, advancing progressive causes.

His greatest moment perhaps came when he voted against the invasion of Iraq.

Marco-Antonio Loera



Humanity has lost its No. 1 advocate. Kennedy spent his political career tirelessly working for the improvement of the human condition. Because he lived, because he cared, his dream will never die.

Philip Wilt

Van Nuys


Although I wish the family condolences on the death of Kennedy, I could not help but laugh at your editorial on his seeking to overturn a law he supported when it was beneficial to his position. You called it “unselfish”; I call it arrogant.


Now that it may hurt the Democratic Party, he pushed for a change. I guess, in the eyes of The Times, it’s all right to change laws as long as they benefit only the Democrats.

Carlos Ferreyra

Valley Glen
