
Does this job program work?


Re “State candidate’s job program trained illegal immigrants,” June 22

The article about San Francisco’s Back on Track program painted an extremely distorted picture of this nationally recognized program that has reduced crime and saved money.

Back on Track is an innovative program that has achieved remarkable results. It has dramatically reduced recidivism -- the re-offense rate -- among its targeted population (nonviolent, first-time, low-level drug offenders). In California, more than half (54%) of drug offenders commit additional crimes. However, less than 10% of Back on Track graduates in San Francisco re-offend. Only nonviolent offenders are eligible for Back on Track. As a veteran prosecutor, I don’t hesitate to put people who commit serious and violent offenses behind bars.

The flaw in the program that The Times pointed out was fixed when it came to my attention. No innovative program will ever be created without some unanticipated flaws to be fixed along the way, but this must not stop us from tackling tough problems with smart solutions.


Kamala Harris

San Francisco

The writer is district attorney of San Francisco.


Kamala Harris’ almost flip statement that it is not the duty of local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws is arrogant and disrespectful to citizens who do not distinguish between local, state or federal laws. We simply obey the law.

Does she believe that establishing social programs for felons is part of her duties?

The only bright spot is that this story came out before the 2010 election, in which Harris is a state district attorney hopeful.

William Fierro



Thanks for providing yet another infuriating example of how California’s coddling of illegal immigrants lowers our quality of life.

For the sake of our safety, crumbling healthcare system, overcrowded schools and bankrupt budget, it’s time to turn every one of this country’s “undocumented” squatters over to immigration officers.

Mass deportation is the most significant money-saving measure that our elected officials refuse to consider, but it should be the first item on their to-do list.

James Dawson

Woodland Hills
