
Paper cuts hurt


Re “Local news front and center,” March 3

Tuesday morning, when I picked up my skinny little newspaper, I was compelled to write this letter.

I am one of the many people who love to read. I love the sensation of holding paper in hand and curling up in a favorite spot for a good story. Mine happens to be the back window, looking out over the garden. A well-lived life is made up of small but meaningful pleasures like this one.

The loss of paper journalism is a travesty. It caters to our younger society, which wants things fast, short and preferably on a hand-held piece of technology. I know I speak for many when I lament the dwindling printed word.


I, and many others, will pay good money to have our substantial newspaper back again. I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. Can we talk?

Diana Zaslove Kahn

Culver City


One of the first things that I did when I moved to Los Angeles six years ago was start an everyday subscription to The Times. I am now canceling that subscription.

During my time here, there has been a steady decline in the number and depth of news articles. Today, the paper has again downgraded its coverage by rolling the California section into the front section.

I understand The Times has a goal of cutting costs. However, the paper should remember that if it also continues to gut its coverage, at some point it no longer has a product worth its price.

Jesse Bloom



Thank you for streamlining my morning. Without the California section, there is so little in the paper I want to read that I’m up and out in no time.

I can’t wait until you go tabloid.

Cynthia A. Smith



Re “A Chronicle that befits San Francisco,” Column, March 1

Rather than bailing out the banks, let’s consider bailing out the newspapers. When publications like the Rocky Mountain News, the San Francisco Chronicle and other dailies are on the verge of extinction, who will then serve as the guardians of justice and accountability? Who will keep a watchful eye on the democratic process?


Declining newspaper coverage is a heavy blow to 1st Amendment advocates.

Louisa B. Caucia

