
Experience counts for a lot


Re “Love those ‘crazy’ term limits,” Opinion, Oct. 31

“Experience is overrated.” Is Philip Blumel kidding?

Our legislators’ -- and this governor’s -- lack of experience is what has put us in this awful budget situation. Like many novice politicians who come into office, they learn very quickly that legislating and governing require more than intent and ideas. Those tasks require skills to negotiate, relationships built on trust over the years and knowledge of the legislative process.

The turnover we see nowadays ensures that few are willing to stick their necks out or spend the time to address the most difficult -- and, often, unpopular -- issues.

Term limits have destroyed professionalism in our Legislature and its staff, and shifted most, if not all, of the power to individuals and interests with money. Is it any wonder we’re in the mess we’re in?


Keith Malone

Los Angeles
