

Times Wire Reports

Rep. Charles B. Rangel’s Democratic colleagues blocked a move to strip him of his committee chairmanship amid numerous allegations that he violated congressional ethics rules.

A Republican-sponsored resolution said that Rangel (D-N.Y.) was unfit to lead the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax laws, while he is under investigation by the ethics committee. But Democrats prevented debate on the resolution and, on a 246-153 vote, instead sent it to the ethics committee.

Six Republicans voted with the Democrats, while two members of Rangel’s party sided with the Republicans. More than a dozen others abstained because they are on the ethics committee and investigating allegations that Rangel failed to disclose rental income from a villa he owns in the Dominican Republic, improperly used a rent-controlled New York City apartment as a campaign office, and went on a trip that was funded by lobbyists.
