
Instagram ignites war between iPhone and Android users

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Do you have Instagram? Well, pick a team -- #TeamAndroid or #TeamiPhone?

Now that Instagram has launched its Android app, many iPhone app users with a not-in-my-backyard approach are crying, “There goes the neighborhood!”

Can you blame them? For the past year and a half, iPhone users have graduated through the stages of development with Instagram.


First, you shoot and share everything you see -- food and pets, mostly -- but without any discipline. Eventually, you develop an eye, a style, a flair, if you will. You learn to filter, to edit yourself. But that takes time and a whole lot of bad photos flowing through the feed.

They’ve carefully cultivated the community. Now, a new batch of undisciplined hooligans are trampling in their yard.

In fact, this tweet from Tobias Harris of the Milwaukee Bucks just about sums up the animosity: “Instagram just turned into the projects now that all you Android users are here.”


Even musician Drake got in on it, retweeting a photo of a complaint being filed from the app. The reason: “She has an [Android].”

The Android users haven’t been quiet. The volleys are returned.

From @callmeMsJones, who is hating on the iPhone camera: “Just so we’re camera has more megapixels and it doesn’t always have to flash for my pictures to look nice either.” (Of course, the reality is that the flash does nothing good for iPhone photos.)

Another tweet from @YourFavoriteZoe, who’s on TeamAndroid: “I don’t have to jail break my phone for it to be cool.”


I’m a longtime iPhone owner, but I’m all for phone unity. Can’t we all get along?

This last tweet promotes coming together with a mission -- bag on the other guys.

“Why can’t #TeamIphone and #TeamAndroid all come together and laugh at #TeamBlackBerry??”

Ah, true unity.


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Instagram ignites a war between iPhone and Android users
