
Dropbox lets users upload photos directly from cameras

A new update to Dropbox allows users to transfer photos directly from digital camera SD cards and accumulate 3 more gigabytes of free storage online.

“The latest version of the Android app. and the beta versions of our Mac and Windows desktop applications includes a new way to put all the photos and videos you take in your Dropbox called Camera Upload,” according to the Dropbox Help Center.

To use it in the Android app, you need to enable the feature when you first launch it. It asks whether you want to enable Dropbox over your data plan and whether you want to upload existing photos and videos. When you hit “Upload,” the eligible photos and videos move to your Dropbox.


It also works on the desktop app when you plug in your camera or phone to the computer. It will automatically upload and save your photos and video to DropBox’s Camera Upload folder when you select “Import Pictures and Videos using Dropbox.”

The new feature can net you additional gigs of space, but, as with most storage gains on Dropbox, you’ve got to work for it a little. This boost would give you the same threshold of free storage as the just-launched Google Drive -- 5 gigabytes.

Instead up uploading your photos automatically into something like Picassa or iPhoto and getting nothing but the joy of organizing your photos by face or place, you get 500 MB off the bat for uploading a photo to the service with Camera Upload in Dropbox. And for every 500 MB you upload using the feature, you get another 500 MB, up to six times. Once you’ve uploaded 2.5 gigabytes of media through Camera Upload, you’ll have earned a total of 3 GB.


But don’t think you’re going to be slick by simply moving photos into that folder. They’re onto that and say don’t bother. “Simply moving photos to your Photos or Camera Uploads folder does not give you free space. This offer is only eligible for those using the Camera Upload feature as described,” according to the website.

And for the lucky few who were part of the beta testing of this feature, you can get a whopping 5 extra gigabytes, not just 3.


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Dropbox offers more free storage with new feature
