
My Favorite Room: YouTuber Alisha Marie’s home office balances rustic and glam

My Favorite Room: Alsiha Marie

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When it came to reconciling a sibling design feud, YouTube influencer Alisha Marie called upon her friend and interior designer Sharrah Stevens to find a compromise.

Alisha Marie and her sister Ashley, with whom she shares her five-bedroom, five-bathroom house in Los Angeles, wanted help blending their opposing styles in their new home office.

“Ashley likes a more rustic look and I like glam, girly and Midcentury Modern,” said Alisha Marie, 25. “Sharrah really did a great job at capturing Ashley’s style as well as mine and making it work.”


Alisha Marie’s favorite color, millennial pink, is subdued by a palette of clean white with hints of black. Raw elements such as the hardwood floors and metal-and-wood bookshelves “balance how bright and girly this room can look, especially having pink chairs,” she said.

The results exceeded expectations and even inspired a change of heart in Alisha Marie: “I definitely think my sister’s influence rubbed off on me and I love that we have a whole bunch of different styles.”


Why is this your favorite room?

I literally live in here. I’ll wake up, get my coffee, come in here and get work done. It really affects your mood and helps you work better when you are in a space that you like. And I love that it’s an open plan and that the desks are against the wall.

Main use for this space?


It’s a multi-purpose room; I’m constantly filming stuff in here, vlogging and editing. But I didn’t want it to feel like just an office. I wanted it to be cute where I could have friends over and people could chill.

What are some of the main things changed in the redecoration?

This used to be our dining room and it felt like wasted space because we usually just eat on the couch or bar stools. The only drastic thing we changed was adding all the wood paneling on the wall, which I really love. It added so much texture.

Tell me about this massive calendar.

When we moved offices that was one of the things that I wanted to keep from the old room because I loved it so much. It takes up a lot of space, which is great. We had it last year and re-ordered it.

Where did you get these fabulous chairs?


They’re from West Elm. I love how this blush color looks with the white. You definitely have to add a few more pillows to be propped up, but I really like how it made the room different.

What’s your most prized possession in here?

The old cameras, they were my great-grandpa’s. Growing up, my dad always had them on the top shelf and my sister and I couldn’t play with them because they were super-fragile. I was always obsessed with them and how they worked, so it was cool when my dad gave them to me.

Favorite memory in here?

Seeing the space for the first time when Sharrah decorated it. We filmed our reactions and it was such a fun moment because we had talked about it for so long. I literally screamed. I never thought my space could look like this.
