
Join us in a live chat with ‘The Americans’ ’ Noah Emmerich on Monday

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As Stan Beeman on FX’s “The Americans,” Noah Emmerich is the FBI agent sleeping with the enemy — and he doesn’t even wear a wig while doing it!

The second season of the Cold War spy drama found the undercover agent — who, in the first season, was on the trail of neighbors Philip and Elizabeth Jennings’ KGB ties — slip further into his extramarital affair with his Russian informant Nina, who happens to be a turned double agent.

Emmerich will stop by The Times on Monday at 4 p.m. PDT to reflect on his character’s lovelorn arc this season and, ultimately, putting his job first, as viewers saw in the finale.


Following a memorable two-episode 2010 stint on AMC’s “The Walking Dead” as the doc who had everyone wondering just what the heck was whispered into Rick Grimes’ ear, Emmerich’s meatier role on “The Americans” has critics taking notice — a switch-up we’ll ask him about.

And we want you to join in our conversation too, by tweeting us your questions using the hashtag #asklatimes.
