
Cecilia Richard

Times Staff Writers

Cecilia Richard, 41, had no children of her own, but she doted on the children of her five sisters and one brother, family members said.

A civilian accounting technician for the Army, Richard lived in Fort Washington, Md., with her husband, Michael, and her retriever, Coby.

On Tuesday morning, older sister Renee Baldwin watched the initial television reports of the attack on the Pentagon and immediately called their mother. “I said, ‘Mom, they just hit the Pentagon.’ I said, ‘Mom, Cee works out there,’ ” Baldwin said, using the family nickname for Cecilia.


As of Thursday, the Army was still listing Richard as missing. Family members said they had not given up hope, but they realize the prospects are not good.

“Right now, I just feel a lot of grief,” Baldwin said. “I’m angry at the people that did this. But what can we do now? It’s done. It’s done.”
