
Mimi Pond’s L.A.

Mimi Pond is a cartoonist and writer who has illustrated and written numerous books and the premiere episode of "The Simpsons." She lives in Los Feliz with her husband, the painter Wayne White, and their two children. She finds that life in Los Angeles presents her with cartoon opportunities on a daily basis.

Book smart
September 7, 2008
Aug. 30, 2008: Skylight Books, a beloved Los Feliz institution, is expanding and has a grand opening for its new annex, called 1814 Books.
L.A. staycation at Super King Market
August 24, 2008
Taking it to the "street"
July 27, 2008
Back to D-land
June 15, 2008
Click here to view an animation.
Rinky dink
June 1, 2008
Celebrity adjacent
May 18, 2008
Continuing adventures
on Craigslist
April 20, 2008
Sync or swim
March 23, 2008
All the doo dah day
February 10, 2008
Car to car bizarre
January 27, 2008
The writers bloc
December 23, 2007
Night of the living dead
December 2, 2007