
Today: If Iran Gets the Bomb ...

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I'm Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times. President Obama is stuck with his legacy on Iran, whatever it turns out to be; and the omnipresent video camera is changing everything for police. Here are some story lines I don't want you to miss today.


Obama and the Bomb

Here's perhaps President Obama's biggest frustration with the new deal to keep Iran from getting the bomb: How it works out won't be up to him. It'll probably depend much on the next president, and maybe the one after that. However it ends up, he acknowledges, "This deal will have my name on it. ... If Iran has a nuclear weapon, it's my name on this."  

The Camera Doesn't Blink

Video is changing everything, it seems, especially for police. Little wonder, now that we've seen it, that Gardena fought to keep police dash cam images from the public after a fatal shooting by officers. They weren't charged and the city settled with victims' families, but the video ensures an airing of police tactics that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Police had better get used to this.

Now You See Him, Now You Don't

That sums up a video from the high-security prison that held Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. It shows him simply walking behind a shower wall and then disappearing,  presumably into a mile-long escape tunnel. The trail seems cold despite a massive manhunt. U.S. officials are a little miffed at Mexico's rejection of offers to help track him down.

A New Galaxy

The L.A. Galaxy has been successful in its quest to win U.S. professional soccer titles. Now, with a new team coming to town, it's in a race to add Latinos to its mostly white fan base. They've scored a big one: Mexican national team player Giovani Dos Santos, a flashy 26-year-old in the prime of his career. Team phone lines already are humming with ticket seekers.

Where's 'Wild Bill'?

William Frederick "Wild Bill" Cody was nothing if not a showman, and nearly a century after his death he's still a big sideshow in at least two camps. One insists he's buried high atop Lookout Mountain near Golden, Colo. No way, say the proud folk of Cody, Wyo. Weary of Iran, Greece and China? Take a break and dive into a feud you can have some fun with. 


-- L.A. stood out during last year's nationwide protests over the shooting of a Missouri teen, but not for violence -- for mass arrests. Hardly any are being prosecuted. 

-- State water regulators OK tough limits on how much water-dependent landscaping can go in around new homes, businesses and schools.

-- Gov. Jerry Brown signs bills intended to help professional cheerleaders and make it easier to pay parking fines in installments. 

-- More drivers are paying attention to their phones when they should be watching the road, a state-sponsored study finds.


-- In Arizona, Maricopa County supervisors vote to settle several Justice Department discrimination claims against Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

-- Former President George H.W. Bush falls and breaks a neck bone.

-- Jurors begin deliberating on the fate of James Holmes in the Colorado theater massacre.

-- Pluto revealed: Stunning new images from NASA give us our first close-up look at the dwarf planet and its moons.

-- Greek legislators pass tough austerity measures demanded by creditors in a massive financial bailout plan.


-- Uber hits another bump: A California administrative law judge says it should be suspended and fined $7.3 million for not complying with state law.

-- Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen pushes back against calls in Congress for more oversight of the Fed. And she still expects a rate increase this year.

-- After hitting doldrums in 2014, Hollywood could be on track for a record year, analysts say.


-- Bill Dwyre: Jordon Spieth stays breezy, but Tom Watson feels a chill on the eve of the British Open.

-- Sprinter Andre De Grasse found the track by accident. Now he's on course for big things.

-- The latest scores, stats and schedules.


-- It was a long and winding road to the big screen for Marvel's little superhero. "Ant-Man" opens this week. Here's a review

-- Perspective: When "Black Twitter" sounds like "White Twitter"

-- Eat a peach -- or try a few in these recipes from the Times Test Kitchen.


-- ProPublica: Choosing the right surgeon matters even more than you might think.

-- CityLab: Here are maps of every single job location in the U.S.

-- Washington Post op-ed: Why our lack of trust for drinking fountains is bad for our health.

-- The BBC suggests Glasgow just might be the world's friendliest city.


"They don't want you playing on their swing set." The police dispatcher wasn't talking about kids on a playground. She was talking about the Bay Boys, a surf tribe of affluent, middle-age men who protect the Lunada Bay off Palos Verdes Estates the way an inner-city gang might guard its turf. Locals don't like to talk about it. An embarrassing video is making it harder to keep quiet. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
