
For the record - Jan. 8, 2012


New laws: In the Jan. 1 California section, an article listing new state laws taking effect this year mistakenly included a measure that would have given employees the right to three days of bereavement leave within three months of a close family member’s death. The measure passed the Legislature but was vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown.

Arnold Klein: An article in the Jan. 1 Section A about Beverly Hills dermatologist Arnold Klein misspelled a region of the upper lip partly named for him as the Gloglau-Klein point. It is the Glogau-Klein point. Also, the article said one of his residences is a $9-million Hancock Park mansion. Though bankruptcy documents list it in Hancock Park, the home is in the Windsor Square neighborhood.

Sub Pop: In the Jan. 8 Arts & Books section, an article about the Sub Pop record label misidentified the band The Head and the Heart as The Hand and the Heart. In addition, the article identified Megan Jasper as General Manager of Sub Pop. Jasper is Sub Pop’s Executive Vice President.


Rick Santorum: An article in the Jan. 7 Section A about the New Hampshire primary reported that GOP candidate Rick Santorum said in 2005 that gay marriage is no different from “man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.” He said this in an interview with the Associated Press in 2003. A Los Angeles Times article on Oct. 2, 2011, also gave the incorrect 2005 date.

Doris Day: The caption for a photo of Doris Day on the cover of the Jan. 5 Calendar section said that the picture was from 1962. The photo showed Day in 1968.

Navajo and HIV: An article in the Jan. 5 Section A about HIV infections among the Navajo said that HIV patient Emerson Scott tested positive for the virus in 1989. The year was 1999
