
Couple married 61 years get ‘Up’-inspired anniversary photos

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Donald and Dorothy Lutz were married more than 60 years ago, but they had only one snapshot to show for it. That’s because their wedding photographer stood them up on their big day.

So when the Boston-area couple celebrated their 61st anniversary, a relative -- wedding stylist and events planner Lauren Wells -- had something special in mind: surprising them with a photo shoot inspired by the beloved Pixar movie “Up.”

It took a village to pull off the shoot that took place at the Old Northern Avenue Bridge in Boston:


PHOTOS: The ‘Up’-inspired photo shoot

Wells, who is married to the couple’s grandson, was ringmaster. Boston-based photographer Cambria Grace handled the camera, Caroline O’Donnell from Wild Folk Studio did flowers, and Becky Brackett of Pop & Circumstance brought the magical props.

And Donald and Dorothy, both 82, brought it all to life.

Wells said the inspiration for the shoot -- “Up” -- was an easy one. Donald, is partial to bow ties, just like Carl, the snowy-haired character who must learn to move on after losing his wife.


Read more about the couple and their love story at the Boston Globe. (Donald proposed by tucking a ring into a box of chocolates!) Dorothy told the Globe that -- photos or no photos -- she got the best gift of all the day she married: “I was more excited about being married to the one that I loved very much. That was the main thing.”

And read more behind-the-scenes detail about the photo shoot at the blog Style Me Pretty, which called Donald and Dorothy “the cutest couple to ever grace our pages.” The blog also has plenty more must-see images from the photo shoot.



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