
Video: Police release dash-cam of Sikh temple shooting

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When Wade Page began his shooting rampage at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Aug. 5, he got the drop on the first officer who responded to the scene, shooting Lt. Brian Murphy 15 times.

But he didn’t get the drop on the second officer, Sam Lenda, who felled Page with a long-distance rifle shot to the stomach.

New video released on Monday by Oak Creek, Wis., police and Milwaukee County prosecutors show police dashboard camera images of the shooting, which left six dead and four seriously wounded. Page killed himself after getting shot.


PHOTOS: Sikh temple shooting

One clip shows Murphy responding to the scene and parking in the lot of the Sikh temple, known as a gurdwara. He cautiously gets out of the car. Page appears in the distance, a speck of white due to the T-shirt he was wearing.

Murphy draws his gun and then ducks behind a car as Page jogs around behind him, firing at the officer and then disappearing off-screen. Murphy survived the shooting but was hospitalized in critical condition; he has since been discharged.


A second clip shows officer Sam Lenda’s car going over a median to get into the gurdwara parking lot. Lenda spots Page in the distance and backs up his car out of view to buy enough time to get his rifle out.

He then pulls forward and confronts Page.

“Drop the gun!” Lenda shouts.

Video shows Page still moving around the parking lot and firing at Lenda’s car; one round hits Lenda’s windshield and his headrest when Lenda was outside of the car, shielded by its door.

Lenda then begins firing at the little white shape in the distance — six shots — and the shape then tumbles to the ground. Page has been hit in the stomach. Moments later, he can be heard shooting himself.


Page’s reasons for the shooting are still unclear, with little possible apparent motive other than a background with white supremacist groups.

Since then, Sikh community members have been coping with their losses and also the question of what to do with the $500,000 to $600,000 in donations expected to roll their way.

The Associated Press reports that community members have turned to Kenneth Feinberg, something of an expert in the uncomfortable business of distributing disaster cash. He’s directed victim payments for the Sept. 11 attacks, the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the Virginia Tech shootings.


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