
Obama says there’s ‘no excuse for inaction’ on jobs

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President Obama joked Friday that he has gotten a “crash course” in European politics lately, but it doesn’t appear to have changed his approach toward Congress.

Speaking at the end of the G-20 summit here, Obama spoke about the marginal growth in the new U.S. jobs numbers and said it should spur Congress to reconsider his jobs act.

Repeating his fall refrain, Obama said lawmakers should “think twice before they vote no again.”


“There’s no excuse for inaction,” he said.

The G-20 leaders are not guilty of that, the president suggested.

While the agreed statement issued Friday by G-20 leaders does not contain dramatic and specific new steps to improve the global economy, administration officials said they see promise in it.

Within the paragraph about currency, for example, top U.S. officials see signs that the Chinese are beginning to see it as more in their interest to let their currency rate float with the market.

The Italian government will invite the IMF to monitor its economic progress and provide public reviews.


And the Europeans are moving forward with their plans to rescue their own economy, without financial support from the U.S. or China.

“What the world looks for in moments like this is action,” Obama said.
