
Op-Comic: The next shooting spree? The GOP has an app for that!

Gun-violence-response apps for Republicans, by Ward Sutton
Shot GPT: Composes a boilerplate statement of condolence that sounds just as sincere as any actual GOP politician
SnapPray: Automatically sends "thoughts and prayers" to a user's followers in the wake of a massacre
TrikTok: Generates song-and-dance culture war talking points to run out the clock on public's engagement with latest tragedy
Instagun: Exclusively shares provocative photos insensitively when news of the latest mass shooting breaks
Tender: Allows users to swipe right to accept legal tender NRA contributions, no matter the victim count
Whoogle?: Continually searches reports of gun violence to see if anyone the user personally knows has been wounded or killed

Ward Sutton’s cartoons have appeared in the New Yorker and the Boston Globe, among other publications. He won the 2018 Herblock Prize for editorial cartooning. @wardsutton
