
Mailbag: People need low-cost housing

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People need low-cost housing

I have just one question for those Huntington Beach residents who oppose any plans for adding low-income housing in our community (“Low-cost housing again is a no-go,” March 10):

You know those people who make your coffees, wash your cars, prepare your meals, wash your dishes, landscape your yards, clean your streets, pick up your garbage, watch your kids, take care of your elderly, etc, etc, etc.? Well, where do you expect them to live?


Just wondering.

Thomas Meisenhelder

Huntington Beach


Council’s housing stance shameful

I am both saddened and appalled to live in a city that cares so little about the housing needs of people with low incomes.

To read in this past week’s Independent that so many of our residents, and all the members of our City Council, appear to value their personal comfort, convenience and housing values more that doing what we can to help families in need makes me angry.


The message our council has sent out is clear: While we want low-income people to serve our food, clean our houses and keep our gardens looking lovely, we definitely do not want them to live here! We’ll abort the plans we once had to provide for their needs and then spend our tax dollars to fight the state for telling us that we still need to do so.

We should be ashamed! Not even one City Council member took a stand for the less fortunate, which means that this voter will never vote for any of them again.

Shevawn Ramsey

Huntington Beach


An option for desal plant: Don’t build it


It is unfortunate that reporter Anthony Clark Carpio did not touch on the most obvious of opposition options to the proposed actions being considered by the Orange County Water District board in his article (“Distribution choices for desal plant narrowed,” March 10).

Don’t build it.

I forcefully raised this option in public comments (cutely called “visitor participation” in the agenda). It is important that the Independent not overlook that fact that community opposition to the proposed Poseidon desalination plant is strong and vocal in Huntington Beach. Just reporting the misrepresentations made by the OCWD board and staff (not to mention misrepresentations by Poseidon and its allies) is not good enough.

Maybe a more fitting headline would be “Credible choices for desal plant narrowed.”

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach
