
Cleveland Cavaliers bring the Mannequin Challenge to the White House

President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden pose for photos with members of the Cleveland Cavaliers during a South Lawn event on Thursday.
(Alex Wong / AFP / Getty Images)
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Up next for the Mannequin Challenge: the Cleveland Cavaliers.

The Cavs visited the White House on Thursday to celebrate their NBA championship win, a simple protocol all professional teams do when they win a championship. When it was all said and done though, the team decided to have a little fun by joining in on the latest viral trend, the Mannequin Challenge, with a little help from Michelle Obama.

Kyrie Irving shared on Instagram the team’s own contribution, which took place in the diplomatic reception room. The video shows players in various frozen poses, and includes the first lady posing in a selfie with LeBron James. The music chosen added a nice White House-style vibe to it. Unfortunately, the president sat out on this one.

Twitter: @edmgonzalez
