
Lance Armstrong cooperates with anti-doping investigators

Lance Armstrong in February 2011.
(Thao Nguyen / Associated Press)
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Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has met with investigators who are scrutinizing a widespread history of doping in his sport, an attorney said.

There had been lingering questions about whether Armstrong would cooperate wtih an independent panel created by the International Cycling Union.

But his attorney told the Associated Press that Armstrong spent seven hours with investigators at a hotel outside Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C., in May.


“Lance answered all their questions,” Elliot Peters was quoted as saying.

Armstrong was previously stripped of his record seven Tour de France victories -- and an Olympic medal -- after he acknowledged that he used performance-enhancing drugs throughout much of his career.

Some believed that he would seek a reduction of his lifetime ban in return for cooperating, but Peters said that Armstrong made no such request to investigators.

The panel is expected to issue its report this year.
