
Web Buzz: Creating an e-trail during trips with

Special to the Los Angeles Times helps users create a Google Map using their real-time Twitter tweets, Foursquare check-ins and Flickr photos with the use of a GPS-enabled smart phone.

What’s hot: A Google Map of your travels shows the path of your trip, making a cool visual of your journey from your location updates. To make the map, log into your account (free to sign up), then go to and sign in through Twitter. Next, tweet about your trip using “#m” in your tweets. Don’t forget to “add your location” before sending your 140-character message. You can also use Foursquare, Flickr and Posterous, but you may need to adjust your location settings first.

What’s not: I sometimes forgot to send a tweet while I was on the road. It would be great if Mentaway could add a feature that allows you to add your own trip notes as well as tweets.
