
Web Buzz: makes meet-ups a snap

Stop hiding from your friends. With this website, meet-ups just got easier, whether you’re traveling the globe for business or pleasure.


What it does: Simplifies the planning process for group meet-ups around the world.

What’s hot: Enter a city and dates for your next trip. Then MochaMeet pulls data from your Facebook friends to let you know who will be near your destination. You can also add people by email if they’re not on Facebook. Click on the friends you want to invite, pick a date or dates if you want to offer a choice, and do the same for location. You can chat about the event with the group, provided your friends accept your invitation. My less tech-savvy neighbors are more likely to stop me on the street to say they received an email from me about getting together rather than confirm my online invitation.


What’s not: Seems a little early to launch. I want location-based recommendations and a map for where to meet (right now you have to enter the address yourself) and access to LinkedIn connections (hello, business travel). The good news is that we won’t have to wait long for the smartphone app.
