
More reason for ‘Twilight’ fans to stay up late: Meteor showers

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

“Twilight” fans who have tickets to see the opening of “Breaking Dawn - Part 1” at midnight Thursday (tonight) might get an added show: the Leonid meteor showers.

The Leonids, as they’re called, are expected to reach peak force Thursday and Friday, and will be brightest in the wee hours. Meteors or fireballs show up as bright streaks in the night sky.

“Try watching from late night Nov. 17 till dawn Nov. 18, though the moonlit glare will subdue the 2011 Leonid meteor shower,” the EarthSky meteor shower guide says. These particular bits of vaporized debris were shed by the Comet Temple-Tuttle.


For those keen on seeing the meteors, find a dark spot, away from city lights and look up – no telescopes required. Desert areas like Joshua Tree National Park and Mojave National Preserve in Southern California provide perfect viewing spots, if skies are clear of cloud cover.

As for “Breaking Dawn - Part 1,” who knows when it will reach its peak. ABC News reports that pre-ticket sales have been record-breaking and the movie could score more than $100 million this weekend.
