
Canada: The Sourtoe Cocktail comes complete with a real human toe


If you don’t like a worm in your tequila, you probably won’t like a human toe in your drink. Steer clear, then of the Sourtoe Cocktail at the Sourdough Saloon in Canada‘s Dawson City, Yukon Territory, where a petrified human toe is part of the drink.

Since 1973, more than 60,000 visitors have indulged in the libation. In that time, several big toes have startled, thrilled and grossed-out visitors. The toes do turn black over time, but they clearly are recognizable.

“They’ve all been donated anonymously,” said manager Dick Van Nostrand.

The saloon, inside the tiny town’s Downtown Hotel, is named after the rough-and-tumble prospectors who once came to Dawson City in search of gold.


The toe drink isn’t free, by the way — not the liquor or soda and not the addition of the toe, which costs $5.

Guests who finish the drink and whose lips touch the toe are issued a personalized, numbered certificate. Their names are recorded in an ever-expanding ledger listing members of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club.

People have come from all over the world to join the alliance. Many are Americans who visit Dawson City in summer during various cruise companies’ land and sea tours of Alaska and the Yukon.

You can find more details on the territory’s tourism website by searching “Sourtoe.”

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