
Man Says He Won’t Link XVI to XXX on Net

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From Reuters

An American who registered the Internet domain name before the new pope was chosen said Wednesday that he had not decided what to do with it, but he ruled out pornography and doubted that he would accept an offer from a gambling site.

Florida resident Rogers Cadenhead, who describes himself on his website as the author of several technology books, said on his site that he registered six domain names this month based on names he thought the new pope might pick.

In addition to, Cadenhead registered for a nominal fee,,, and


Visitors to Wednesday were redirected to Cadenhead’s website, on which he rejects the suggestion that he might be planning to cash in by selling the site to pornographers because they would be willing to pay the most.

“For the love of God, people, that’s not going to happen,” Cadenhead said.

“I will be running any plans I have for this domain by my own Catholic doctrinal enforcer, my never-miss-a-Sunday grandmother Rita.”

He added, “I’ve received an offer from a gambling site. I’m pretty sure that’s a bad idea, ecclesiastically speaking.”


Cadenhead said that he was considering his options but that if the pope’s representatives were to approach him to discuss taking over the site, he might make a few requests, including “one of those hats” and “world peace.”
